The Majestic Vision of Allah

The Majestic sight of Allah

The most important part of our entire lives, from the time Allah created our soul till eternity, will be when our eyes settle on Allah.There will be faces on the day of qiyamah that will be extremely bright gazing at Allah and Nabi Muhammed (s.a.w) said that without a doubt on the day of qiyamah we will see Allah.

When we are in Jannah and we have everything our hearts could ever desire Allah will ask us “ Do you need anything, is there anything more I can give you?” and the people of Jannah will reply “ Ya Allah just the fact that we are among those with bright faces who have entered Jannah is enough for us” and in that moment Allah will remove the veil covering there eyes and their gaze will settle upon Allah. Nothing can ever compare nor reach the importance as well as greatness of this moment.

When the people of the lowest rank of the people of Jannah gazes at all his blessings that Allah has granted him for 100 years, he will still not see the end of it. And yet when the most honourable of the people of Jannah will be sitting and gazing upon the face of Allah, they will not remove their eyes from Allah day and night. This is the beauty and majesties of Allah and the sight of Allah. That seeing Him is such an honour that it far surpasses all that Allah has blessed every single person with. It is such a blessing that only the most honourable will have the opportunity to gaze upon Allah day and night.