The Luckiest of people in Jannah

There are different categories which Allah speaks about when describing the most fortunate of the people of Jannah. These people of Jannah that are so fortunate will be lead by Abu Bakr (r.a) and Umar (r.a). The leaders of the youth will be Hassan(r.a) and Hussain(r.a). And the leaders of the women of Jannah will Mariam (a.s), Khadija (r.a), Faatima(r.a) and lastly Asiyah(r.a). The leader of all the martyrs will be Hamzah (r.a).

Nabi Muhammed (s.a.w) gace glad tidings to 10 people who will enter Jannah those being:

  • Abu Bakr (r.a)
  • Umar (r.a)
  • Uthmaan (r.a)
  • Ali (r.a)
  • Talha (r.a)
  • Zubair (r.a)
  • Abdurahmaan (r.a)
  • Sa’ad Ibn Al Waqaas (r.a)
  • Saeed Ibn Zayd (r.a)
  • Abu Ubaid (r.a)

We then have some people who may not have been apart of these 10 but still were seen by the prophet (s.a.w) In Jannah such as Jaffer (r.a) who was flying around in Jannah with the angels as his legs were cut of during a battle so Allah will grant him wings in Jannah as a replacement for them.

We also all know the famous story of how the prophet (s.a.w) heard the footsteps of Bilaal (r.a) in Jannah.

The prophet even describes to us how the Hanafiyaan(not to be mistaken with the Hanafi sect) have a special place in Jannah. The hanafiyaan are the 4 people who did not require a prophet. They are the people who had a deep feeling within themselves that the worshipping of idols is wrong and that tawheed is the only way.

This world compared to the ahkhirah is nothing. Nabi (s.a.w) said by Allah this world compared to the ahkhirah is like taking your finger (the tashahud finger) and dipping it into the ocean and when pulling it out the little bit of water that remains on it is the comparison of the dunya and ahkhirah.