The Dwellings of the people of Jannah

In the holy quraan Allah promises the people of the ahkhirah that He has given them such dwellings that no one could possibly imagine. Dwellings that are beautiful beyond belief and as magnificent as can be yet what if fascinating it that Allah has made it so easy for us to obtain.

Allah has made these homes and they are Tayyibah wich means pure. In surah Tawba Allah says that Allah grants us a place of sukoon- a place of tranquility- and what kind of tranqility, a pure place of tranquility.

In the world we try everything possible to make our homes tranquil and a place of solace. However, in Jannah Allah has made the homes in itself with no effort a place of pure tranquility.

Allah then says that the people of Jannah will be in a room and this room is like a huge apartment which will be in the highest points in Jannah. The people that had made the most sabr will be granted these homes(apartments) in Jannah. Every single aspect that is granted to us in the ahkhirah is in some way related our patience on this dunya.

Our beloved prophet Muhammed (s.a.w) then explains to us that there are certain places in Jannah with the most beautiful view that when standing inside you can see the outside clearly and vice versa which is so astounding and magnificent to even think about. We find clouds and the blue sky a beautiful view, imagine how much more magnificent that view will be.

The first thought that might have come to mind now is … How do we obtain this?

It is simple as Allah has prepared it for:

Those who feed the poor for the sake of Allah.

For those who fast constantly.

For those who speak softly and kindly to others.

For those who wake-up in the middle of the night to perform salaah.

Allah then mentions another type of pf dwelling that being a tent. Not the type of tents we use when going on camping but rather the type of tents we use for big functions such as weddings. The tent material will be like that of a massive, hollowed pearl and the length of this tent will be 60 miles high and wide. It is so massive that people will be in it and will not come across one another.

Ways in which to obtain such dwellings:

  • Build a masjid
  • Perform all 12 rakaats of sunnah sallah daily.
  • Feed the poor.
  • Be soft spoken.
  • Fast constantly.