The couches and carpets of the people of Jannah.
Every single difficulty on this earth will be rewarded with rest in Jannah.
Allah says they will be reclining on these beddings that the inner part the “stuffing” will be made of silk brocade. Allah goes in such detail about the resting places in Jannah. In Jannah there will be massive castles with huge gardens that are meant for rest. And within these gardens there will be couches of beautiful colours ad they will be made from silk material that is outstandingly beautiful. These couches will be thick and lush.
In surah Waqia Allah says there will be thrones that are like beds that are raised high and besides having these thrones like beds there will be many many cushions in rows and rows surrounding them.
There will be rich carpets that will be widespread. All the couches will be made to face each other as all hatred and animosity will be removed from our heart so we will be sitting as one large group instead of small cliques and groups.
In these resting places there will be young boys that are like pearls that have been thrown serving the people at rest.