List of actions that bring Barakah
As a Taajirah some actions remove the Barakah, and some will grant Barakah in ways that you cannot comprehend.
. كل شيء ما لم يبدأ يبتسم الله فهو اقطع
1. Always begin with Bismillah and Alhumdulilah for any action, small or big without the name of Allah is deprived of benefit. Divide your work into subsections and incorporate it into every part of your work process.
2. Obedience to Allah in your business affairs makes him happy, when Allah is pleased with you He grants you Barakah.
3. Your intention of doing business , decorating cakes, cutting material etc. always make your intention that your business is of benefit and service to mankind.
4. Truthfulness and clarity in business leads to Barakah. Lies and concealment removes Barakah.
5. Wake up early. Nabi (ﷺ) specifically asked Allah Ta’aalah to place barakah in the early part of the day. He made dua
اللهم بارك لأمتي في بكورها
Nabi (ﷺ) would always send out armies, delegations and business dealings early in the morning. And they found that their business transactions would be much more blessed.
6. Constant gratitude for your business, for the tools to make your business grow for social media marketing that allows for marginal ease of business.
7. Istighfar – Creates Barakah in wealth, children and property.
8. Dua – Ask for Barakah in your time, Barakah in your wealth & health
9. Quran – “This Quran is a reminder full of Barakah that we have revealed”. Simply reciting the Quran daily affects your day to day dealings, your productivity levels and your time.
10. Halal income – Fundamental to achieving Barakah and satisfaction.
11. Giving Charity انفق يا ابن ادم ينفق عليك